Imagem: Framboesa Filmes

Evidence of Love | Premiere 11/04/24

(“Evidence of Love” – unofficial translation. Original title: “Evidências do Amor”)

Synopsis: One evening, Marco (Fábio Porchat, A Man Amidst Bees, 2015) and Laura (Sandy Leah, When I Was Alive, 2014) meet at a karaoke bar and sing the song Evidências together. Since then, they have fallen in love and formed a couple that seemed perfect, until the moment they said “I do”. Without understanding what happened, now, every time this song plays, Marco will travel through his memories with Laura to face the evidences of love. With Evelyn Castro and Larissa Luz.

The Brazilian premiere is scheduled to open on February 22, 2024 and is directed by Pedro Antônio. The script is written by Pedro Antônio, Luanna Guimarães and Alvaro Campos. Inspired by the song Evidências, composed by José Augusto and Paulo Sérgio Valle.

Format: Feature / Fiction

Genre: Romantic Comedy

Production: Framboesa Filmes

Distribution: Warner Bros. Pictures


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